You are a GFI partner with a valid NFR subscription and need to create a license for a GFI product or update the expiry date of an existing license to match the subscription.
For video instructions, have a look at NFR Subscription Activation instructions
Important Notes:
- Only one license can be generated per product
- Licenses can only match the expiry of the subscription
- If you are facing issues with your NFR subscription not covered in this article, refer to NFR-related questions or issues
Viewing your NFR subscription
- Log in to the Accounts Portal and click the Subscription button on the side menu
- In the list of subscriptions owned by your company, locate the valid Unlimited Software NFR subscription
- Click ellipses > Details to load the NFR subscription details page
Generating a new license
- On the NFR subscription details pages, scroll through the AVAILABLE PRODUCTS section and click the Generate link under the product you would like to create a license for
- On the pop-up, confirm the license creation by clicking the Generate button
Note: the button may say Next if the license has any configuration options (e.g. OS); make the relevant selection, click Next and then click Generate to confirm - Once the generation process is complete, a new pop-up will appear with the license details and the key
Updating an existing license
- On the NFR subscription details pages, scroll through the ACTIVE PRODUCTS section; if the expiry date of the relevant product does not match that of the subscription (listed under Next Billing on the left), click Update link under the product
- On the confirmation pop-up, click Update to complete the process
- Once the generation process is complete, a new pop-up will appear with the license details and the updated key