Your order reflects the status Blocked, Error or Rejected. On the Orders Details page
If your order has been Rejected, you should have received a notification explaining why. Please follow the instructions in the notification to resubmit the order for processing.
If your order is showing Blocked or Error refer to the message that accompanies it and check below for a solution. If the message is not listed below, submit a request to our Customer Care team for further assistance.
- 1002 : Cannot identify order business type
- 1002 : Item CYRENU / KASPRENU / CYRENREN / KASPREN (or similar) not found in the template
- 1002 : Main item quantity is invalid
- 70005 : The Zip Code is required for the selected country
- 51010320 : '' length must be between 0 and 40
- 53500020 : The Contract effective date should not be later than the term end date of the basic subscription / The term end date in the current term should be later than the last amendment customer acceptance date
- 53500030 : The product rate plan for this subscription is not available with currency: 'AUD/EUR/GBP'.
- An exception has been encountered
- Broker account not found
- Cannot create subscription without main item
- EdiAckWorker >> Ack 855 generated and sent
- Out of range: Quantity needs to be between 25 and 2999, excluding the range between XXXX and XXXX
- Owner account must be enduser
- PO number 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' for invoice owner [xxxxxxx] already exists in the system
- The operation was canceled
- This order has pending licenses
- The submitted order price does not match the actual price for this order (Actual order value: X,XXX.XX)
- Unhandled exception 'An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.'.
1002 : Cannot identify order business type
An invalid SKU or an invalid SKU - pricing/settings combination was submitted (usually via API). Reprocess the order using the correct SKU.
1002 : Item CYRENU / KASPRENU / CYRENREN / KASPREN (or similar) not found in the template
An order was submitted for a subscription that has the deprecated Cyren or Kaspersky anti-virus engine add-on enabled. Submit a request to our Customer Care team to remove the add-on before resubmitting.
1002 : Main item quantity is invalid
70005 : The Zip Code is required for the selected country
Enter the relevant ZIP code for either the Enduser or Reseller account and Retry the order.
51010320 : '' length must be between 0 and 40
The City field in the Enduser's contact information is missing or too long. Edit the Enduser account details in the GFI Accounts Portal accordingly and click Try Again.
53500020 : The Contract effective date should not be later than the term end date of the basic subscription / The term end date in the current term should be later than the last amendment customer acceptance date
The subscription-license combo does not match or is corrupted. Submit a request to have this corrected so the order can be processed (in some cases this may mean having the license migrated to a different subscription).
53500030 : The product rate plan for this subscription is not available with currency: 'AUD/EUR/GBP'.
The subscription is in a non-USD currency (likely an old subscription). Submit a request to our Customer Care team to have the license migrated to a new subscription.
An exception has been encountered
A nondescript error has occurred. Waiting a little (30-60 mins) and clicking the Try Again button should result in the order being processed.
Broker account not found
The Reseller account does not exist. Create/Find the Reseller, click Edit to find the subscription number and process the order from scratch.
Cannot create subscription without main item
The items listed in the order, do not include the main subscription item. This happens when:
- trying to renew only one product from an Unlimited subscription without first requesting a migration first; submit a migration request to our Customer Care team.
- trying to renew only an addon without renewing the main subscription; cancel the order and renew the main subscription and the addon in the same order. Only if the main subscription order has already been separately processed, submit a request to our Customer Care team.
EdiAckWorker >> Ack 855 generated and sent
Not an error per se. This is an acknowledgement message generated by EDI. To find the relevant error message, check the order’s History tab.
Out of range: Quantity needs to be between 25 and 2999, excluding the range between XXXX and XXXX
The Web Shop Configure page has a maximum seat count of 2999. If you need to order more seats, enter the highest allowable amount (usually 2999) and edit for the desired amount on the final Preview page. This works for all products.
Owner account must be enduser
The submitted Owner is not an Enduser account and must be changed accordingly for the order to go through. Edit the order, add the EndUser, and reprocess. If the Enduser account does not exist, you can create one in 4 easy steps.
PO number 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' for invoice owner [xxxxxxx] already exists in the system
This denotes that an order with the same PO number has already been processed by you. If this occurs only once, it can be ignored. If more than one, it is most likely your API system is stuck retrying the same order over again and your orders list will be spammed by endless rejection entries until it is resolved by your tech team. This can also happen if you manually keep trying to place the same order after it has already been processed.
The operation was canceled
The subscription does not have a license. Navigate to the subscription Overview page and click the Generate link. Then return to the order page and click Try Again.
This order has pending licenses
Go to the relevant subscription and check if there is a license key under that subscription:
- If it does, you can safely ignore this notification
- If it does not, it should appear within 48 hours of the order being placed; if 48 hours have passed submit a request to our Customer Care team
The submitted order price does not match the actual price for this order (Actual order value: X,XXX.XX)
The order must be resubmitted using the correct value.
Unhandled exception 'An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.'.
System timeout that may be a false negative. Check the subscription to see if the order was processed.
- If it was not, wait a few minutes and click Try Again and it should go through
- If it was, submit a request to our Customer Care team to manually update the order status and do not click Try Again